The books I read in 2023

two reading chairs in front of full bookcases and a lamp
Our home library

Another year has flown by and I haven’t touched this blog since posting about what I read in 2022. I read fewer books this year than I have in any year since 2016. I usually try not to focus on the number of books read, but I can’t help but feel like I failed at something.

But, outside of reading, 2023 was a big year for me. I moved house and got married: two big life-changing events. And as much as I love reading, I think it’s okay to have it take a backseat when other things (and people) come to the forefront. So reading less this year wasn’t a failure. It was just a side effect of having other things going on. (But that doesn’t mean I’m not going to try to read more in 2024.)

Here are some highlights from what I read in 2023.

Stand-out books

The longest book I read

David Copperfield by Charles Dickens (896 pages)

The shortest book I read

The Christmas Guest by Peter Swanson (104 pages)

The book I’m looking forward to being released in 2024

Followed by the Lark by Helen Humphreys. Humphreys is one of my favourite writers, and she can pretty much do no wrong in my eyes. Her upcoming book (out in February) is a fictionalized account of writer Henry David Thoreau’s connections with nature as he experiences grief after two significant losses: his brother and his close friend.

The book that got me interested in reading about history

Great and Horrible News: Murder and Mayhem in Early Modern Britain by Blessin Adams. I don’t read a lot of non-fiction in general and very rarely do I read about history. This isn’t a rule or decision I made, but most history books feel like textbooks to me, which never seems like fun. So how do you get a person like me interested in reading history? Make it true crime! Great and Horrible News is divided into nine true stories of crime in early modern England. For me, history is only interesting when it follows a personal story rather than listing facts. Adams did a great job of illustrating the lives of real people in these stories, which engaged me, and taught me about life in early modern England along the way.

The book I read because of a Netflix series

Behind the Door: The Dark Truths and Untold Stories of the Cecil Hotel by Amy Price. As I mentioned above, I am a fan of true crime. This extends beyond books to documentaries. So when the Netflix docuseries Crime Scene: The Vanishing at the Cecil Hotel was released, I watched it. Then I heard the former manager of the Cecil Hotel (who was featured in the Netflix series) had released a book about her experiences working in the hotel. The book is a mix of memoir, history of the notorious hotel, and stories of some of its various guests and residents.

The book that made me howl

Wolfish: Wolf, Self, and the Stories We Tell About Fear by Erica Berry. Okay, this book didn’t make me howl literally or figuratively, but I wanted to tell you about it because it’s great. I have some sort of fascination with wolves, probably something do with my love for dogs, and that’s what first drew me to this book. But the book is more than looking at wolves themselves. It’s a mix of memoir and a history of wolves in the both the real and symbolic senses, and looking at how we link wolves with ideas of danger and fear.

The book I thought I’d tear through but haven’t finished (yet)

Sonic Life: A Memoir by Thurston Moore. Sonic Youth is one of the most meaningful bands in my life. They were one of the very first bands I truly got into, that inspired me to pick up the bass, and were the first band I ever saw live (and who I saw several times live before they broke up). So when I heard that Moore, a founding member of Sonic Youth, had released a memoir, I was into it. I’d previously read Girl in a Band, the memoir of Kim Gordon (another founding member and Moore’s ex-wife), and loved it. However, with Moore’s book, I got about halfway through–to the point of the formation of Sonic Youth–and then put it aside. The intention was to pick it up after I’d read a novel, but it’s been a couple of months at least, and I’m just not itching to get back to it. Maybe it’s because I feel like I know the story from there (although I’m sure I don’t). Or maybe I just don’t want the story of Sonic Youth to be truly over.

My 5 favourite books read in 2023

The Rachel Incident by Caroline O’Donoghue. I adored this novel. It is fun and funny but also sensitive and serious. It’s a story about friendships and relationships and love and complexity and I think any fan of Sally Rooney will love it.

The Art Thief: A True Story of Love, Crime, and a Dangerous Obsession by Michael Finkel. I read this in one sitting, on a flight back to Toronto from Heathrow. This short true crime account of an art thief whose motive wasn’t money will surprise you with all of its twists and turns.

Demon Copperhead by Barbara Kingsolver. I’m sure reading this novel on its own would be more than satisfying. But I chose to read this one directly after reading David Copperfield for the first time in order to compare and contrast the two. Each novel follows a young boy into early adulthood, explores the hardships he faces, introduces the reader to a host of interesting characters, and is a critique about of how society treats the less fortunate. I loved both novels. My reasons for preferring Demon over David are really only a preference for contemporary writing. I liked that Kingsolver’s book was more concise (not sure they did enough editing in Dickens’ era) and of course the writing was more modern and the setting more relatable.

A Prayer for Owen Meany by John Irving. This was my first John Irving book, but I don’t think it will be my last. The novel is about two best friends, narrated by John as he tells the story of his friendship with Owen, a boy who believes he is an instrument of God. I’ve thought about this one a lot since finishing it. My only real criticism is that maybe it wraps up a bit too nicely at the end, but I suppose I can let that slide.

Old Flame by Molly Prentiss. I read this one while I was sick and didn’t really feel up to doing anything. It kept me good company. The novel follows Emily as she navigates young adulthood, figuring out her place within her career, friendships, and romantic relationships. It’s an exploration of what it means to be a woman. Funny, emotional, and authentic.

By the numbers

My husband is a bookseller, so I must admit that moving in with him and getting married has altered how I do this “by the numbers” section. It’s a bit more difficult to determine which books are “borrowed” since a lot of our books are now shared, and I’m getting a bit more access to advance reading copies than I previously did. But I tried my best to stay to the categories I’ve used in past years.

Books bought: 39%

Books borrowed from the library: 11%

Books borrowed from friends and family: 10%

Books received as gifts: 23%

Books received as advance reading copies: 17%

Books written by Canadians: 18%

Books that were first published in 2023: 59%

Fiction: 74%

Non-fiction: 26%

The books I read in 2022

I haven’t blogged since I wrote about the books I read in 2021, which I realize was a long time ago. I”m not sure what will be the future of this blog–if I want to pick up where I left off, if I want to take it in a new direction, if I want to keep it going at all. But I couldn’t close out the year without reflecting on what I’ve read in 2022. Here are some highlights.

Stand-out books

The longest book I read

Fayne by Ann-Marie MacDonald (736 pages)

The shortest book I read

The Nutcracker by E.T.A. Hoffmann (77 pages)

The book I had on my bookshelf since childhood

White Fang by Jack London. While I don’t know for sure, I feel like I bought my copy of this book at a Scholastic book fair when I was in elementary school. Why didn’t I read it until now? I honestly don’t know, especially since I have read and enjoyed some of London’s other work. But I am glad I got to it in 2022. I felt the landscape, the cold, and the adventure in this tale about the domestication of a wild animal. But there also felt like there was a deeper allegory going on that made the story interesting on several levels.

The book that had me saying “WTF?”

Dog Boy by Eva Hornung. If you’re wondering what this book is about, let me assure you that the title is apt. Set in Moscow, this novel is about an abandoned 4-year-old boy who is raised by stray dogs. It’s weird and disturbing. I still don’t know if I would say I “liked” it, but reading it was certainly an unforgettable experience.

The book I expected to like but didn’t

Verity by Colleen Hoover. If you are on Bookstagram or Book Twitter, you’ve probably heard about Hoover. She’s published a lot of books. But this one in particular kept showing up in my feeds. I enjoy a good thriller, and, TBH, I wanted to see what the hype was all about. So I tried it. And I didn’t get the hype. Listen, I know that not every book is gonna be for everyone. And I do get why some readers would like this novel. But why it’s reached the levels of popularity that it has, I don’t think I will ever understand.

The book that gave me a lot to think about

Her Name Was Margaret: Life and Death on the Streets by Denise Davy. This was difficult to read for multiple reasons. First, the obvious: It’s a non-fiction work about a woman who has experienced homelessness and severe mental illness for most of her life. Also, from very early on, we learn of Margaret’s sad and lonely death. It’s also difficult to read because I know I’m in a position of privilege, and that I can close the cover and put it back on the shelf at any point. I can just put it away and not face it. Stories such as Margaret’s are important, and hers has stuck with me. But I also know that simply thinking about a story like this one is only a first step to making any difference. Doing anything more is the harder part.

The books that had me saying “Just one more chapter”

  • Case Study by Graeme Macrae Burnet: This book starts out with a woman who believes her sister’s therapist drove her to suicide. The woman takes on a false identity and becomes a client of the therapist’s to see if she can get him to fess up. This was a fun puzzle that surprised me more than once.
  • Slenderman: Online Obsession, Mental Illness, and the Violent Crime of Two Midwestern Girls by Kathleen Hale: A well-written work of non-fiction about two young girls who lured their friend into a park before stabbing her. The first part of the book deals with the lead-up to the attack, and the second half examines what happened to the girls after and looks at the American judicial system.
  • The Apparition Phase by Will Maclean: This novel is both a coming-of-age story and a gothic tale that follows the consequences of a prank performed by 13-year-old twin brother and sister. Gripping and haunting.
  • How to Be Eaten by Maria Adelmann: The characters in this book are modern-day versions of women from classic fairy tales who tell their stories during weekly support-group meetings. So fun and so smart.

My 5 favourite books read in 2022

  • Fayne by Ann-Marie MacDonald: This novel takes place in the late 19th century on the border of Scotland and England. Fayne is where adolescent Charlotte has spent all her life because of a mysterious condition, but as Charlotte gets older, she begins to learn more about the world beyond Fayne and to uncover family secrets. A mesmerizing and important examination of identity.
  • Crossroads by Jonathan Franzen: A story set in 1970s America, alternating between perspectives of family members who are each at a crossroads. This is might not be the most plot-driven book, but I was invested in the characters and in their relationships with one another. A joy to read and humourous at times.
  • The Furrows by Namwali Serpell: A 12-year-old girl witnesses her younger brother’s death, but, as she gets older, she sees him everywhere. A creative and intelligent illustration of the grieving process.
  • The Missing Word by Concita De Gregorio: Powerful prose about of a woman whose children were kidnapped by her ex-husband and never seen again. A beautifully written narrative about a true and terrible event.
  • The Anomaly by Hervé Le Tellier (Translated by Adriana Hunter): This book spends a big chunk at the beginning introducing various characters in their own individual chapters. I was already hooked by the time it was revealed how the characters are connected. A very readable, wild ride of a book.

By the numbers

Books bought: 44%

Books borrowed from the library: 18%

Books borrowed from friends and family: 13%

Books received as gifts: 18%

Books received as advance reading copies: 7%

Books written by Canadians: 28%

Books that were first published in 2022: 50%

Fiction: 90%

Non-fiction: 10%

The books I read in 2021

There are many reasons to read. Maybe you want to learn about a subject, gain a new perspective, or go on an adventure. This year, perhaps more than any other year, I turned to books for comfort. Sometimes this meant reading about nature. Other times it meant picking books read and/or recommended by loved ones to feel closer to them. Further, I sought out some lighter material more than I usually do (although I did fit in some dark and gritty titles, too).

Despite this, there were points where I just could not read. I could not focus. But what proved to be true, time and again, is that I always came back to reading, and the books were there waiting for me for when I was ready for them.

Here are some reflections on what I read in 2021.

Stand-out books

The longest book I read

Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy (852 pages)

The shortest book I read

Neighbourhood Watch by Anais Barbeau-Lavalette (128 pages)

The book I didn’t expect to like but ended up loving

The Wild Laughter by by Caoilinn Hughes. This book and I didn’t get off to the best start. I had a hard time getting into it. But it was a gift, and I wanted to make sure that I gave it a fair shot. I am sure glad I did. Once I got into it, I couldn’t put it down. It’s a family drama with a good share of humour set in rural Ireland. The book really picks up when the father makes a request of his sons that could have devastating consequences for the whole family.

The book that broke my heart

Open Water by Caleb Azumah Nelson. You might think you don’t want to get your heart broken, but trust me: You will want to read this beauty of a book. This novella is exquisite in its exploration of how exterior elements can be internalized and stand in the way of love.

The book that made me LOL

The Liar’s Dictionary by Eley Williams. This book is good fun for any word nerd. It alternates between the story lines of two characters working for the same publisher in different time periods: a lexicographer in the Victorian era and an intern in present day. The stories are connected as the intern goes through the dictionary to extract fictitious entries added by the jaded lexicographer a century earlier.

The book I read at the perfect time

Field Study: Meditations on a Year at the Herbarium and And a Dog Called Fig: Solitude, Connection, the Writing Life, both by Helen Humphreys. I’m sort of cheating here, not only because I am choosing two books, but also because And a Dog Called Fig isn’t out until next year (I was lucky enough to have recieved an advance reading copy). But I couldn’t really include one and not the other because I read them right next to each other, at a time when I was having trouble concentrating on anything other than my own anxiety.

I’ve mentioned before that I will read anything Humphreys writes. I simply adore the way she crafts a sentence, so it doesn’t matter much what the subject matter is. In Field Study, Humphreys’ insights about the natural world and the people recording its history comforted me. In And a Dog Called Fig, I read the story of how one my favourite authors became and continues to be a writer, paired with stories of the various dogs she’s had over the years. On top of this, Humphreys sprinkles in anecdotes of other writers and their dogs. As a Humphreys fan, a writer and reader, and a lover of dogs, this book was absolutely what I needed.

The books that had me saying “Just one more chapter”

  • The Push by Ashley Audrain: A suspenseful and sometimes uncomfortable story about motherhood, told from the perspective of a woman who wanted nothing more than to be a mother and who ends up afraid of her child.
  • Fight Night by Miriam Toews: A fun book about three generations of females, narrated by a nine-year-old girl who lives with her mother and grandmother. It’s the characters that make this novel so hard to put down. They are so well crafted and enjoyable and feel like real people. I didn’t want to stop reading because I didn’t want to let them go.
  • A Town Called Solace by Mary Lawson: A stunning novel that connects the story lines of three very different characters in a town called Solace.

My 5 favourite books read in 2021

  • Klara and the Sun by Kazuo Ishiguro: A remarkable novel that centres around an Artificial Friend named Klara, an unforgettable character whose observations give insight into what makes us human and what it means to love. My favourite book read this year.
  • The Lamplighters by Emma Stonex: A beautifully written mystery that builds steadily, providing glimpses into the minds and lives of multiple characters.
  • The First Day of Spring by Nancy Tucker: A disturbing and moving novel told from the perspective of an eight-year-old girl who has killed a younger boy.
  • Field Study: Meditations on a Year at the Herbarium by Helen Humphreys: A comforting book that follows Humphreys as she spends a year visiting the local herbarium, connecting the present to the past through examining nature and its specimens.
  • Unreconciled: Family, Truth, and Indigenous Resistance by Jesse Wente: A powerful book that examines points in history, popular culture, and Wente’s personal experiences in a call for the nation of Canada to begin building a new relationship with Indigenous peoples.

By the number

Books bought: 47%

Books borrowed from the library: 33%

Books received as gifts: 12%

Books borrowed from friends: 8%

Books written by Canadians: 18%

Books published in 2021: 54%

Fiction: 78%

Non-fiction: 22%

Books and bakes #21: The Quiet Zone and butter tarts

The bake

It’s still summer, but fall is in the air, which means I’m about to get serious about baking again (along with making soup and drinking hot apple cider and wearing cardigans). Last week, there were a couple of days when the temperature dropped low enough to wear a light sweater while outside. And, so, I had the urge to bake something–something that didn’t even have a summer fruit in it.

I’ve made these butter tarts from Little Sweet Baker a few times, so I knew the recipe worked well. They are a real treat! I know some people have strong feelings about whether butter tarts should include raisins or nuts, but I prefer them plain. These are so simple to make. A bonus? The recipe makes enough pastry for two batches, so you can stick the leftover dough in the freezer, making it even easier to whip up a dozen of these babies the next time you have a craving.

The book

I’m just over the halfway point in The Quiet Zone: Unraveling the Mystery of a Town Suspended in Silence by Stephen Kurczy. Kurczy is a journalist who spent time in Green Bank, West Virginia–a town that limits radio frequencies that could interfere with technology used by astronomers at the Green Bank Observatory. This quiet zone has attracted people from all over who are looking to live differently, including those wanting to be off the grid and “electrosensitives,” who say technology can make them physically ill. It’s these people who Kurczy spends time with that drew me in. However, I am curious to see what the final conclusion will be. Does technology cause us more harm than it helps us? And how much can we participate in today’s society without it? (Also curious to see if I’ll decide to throw away my smartphone after I finish reading. But I doubt it.)

Books and bakes #20: A Town Called Solace and blueberry peach pie

The bake

I don’t know if it has anything to do with aging, but I find that the older I get, the more excited I am about local produce. In Ontario, blueberries and peaches are both in season. As you may remember from my last post, I’m into peaches in a big way. So I was all set to make a peach pie. But seeing as I had picked up some Ontario blueberries from the market, I thought, why not look for a recipe that uses both blueberries and peaches? That’s how I came to make this blueberry peach pie from Sally’s Baking Addiction.

The pie turned out heavenly–a little taste of Ontario summer in every bite. For the pastry, I used the recipe from Canadian Living that I have used so many times before and that I know I like (both to work with and to eat). The hardest part of making this pie is peeling all the peaches, which really isn’t difficult at all, just a little messy. This is definitely worthy of making again.

The book

I’m about a third of the way through A Town Called Solace by Mary Lawson, which I started reading last night. The novel was recently long-listed for the Booker Prize. To be honest, I’d heard of it before it made it to the long list, but it didn’t really catch my interest. However, when I returned The Guest List to my mom last weekend, she lent me this one.

Set in a small town in northern Ontario, the novel alternates between three perspectives: Clara, a seven-year-old girl whose teenage sister has recently run away; Elizabeth, Clara’s elderly neighbour who has gone into the hospital and has asked Clara to look after her cat; and Liam, a stranger to the town of Solace, who has moved into Elizabeth’s home. I’m not quite sure where the story is going to take me, but it has certainly lured me in.